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Sep 19, 2012

饼干 Cookies

Oatmeal Cookies & Coconut Cookies

侄女那天说很久没吃到我做的饼干了,趁要给他们月饼的当儿,随便做了这两款饼干给她吃。希望他们一家能吃得愉快 ^_^

说是做给姐姐们的,但是三个小瓜们都不舍得给阿姨们太多。最后,我们自己留了一半没三天都吃玩廖 @_@

看来等老二考完 PSLE 再做喽 !!!

Recipes for Oatmeal Cookies :

170g  Butter
160g  Sugar
1        Eggs
240g  Plain Flour
1 tsp  Bicarbonate of Soda
1 tsp  Baking Powder
100g Oat

Firstly, sieve the flour, soda and baking powder together and set aside.
Then, mixed the butter, sugar and add in the egg. Afterthat, add in the flour and lastly add in
the oat. Bake at 180oC for about 15mins, depend of oven.

As for the coconut Cookies all ingredient the same except change the oat to 50g coconut flakes and 50g
chocolate chips.

Sep 10, 2012


终于轮到我家做上海月饼了,太开心了^_^。 一次过做了2kg的馅料和5个recipe 的皮料。现在很累了,要好好休息廖,因为接下来的几天要做冰皮和传统月饼了。希望一切能顺利完成。

120g Planta

40g Icing sugar
1.5 tbsp Milk
180g Plain flour }
1 tsp custard powder }
¼ tsp salt }
1 tbsp Corn flour }

Mix planta, icing sugar and milk together till soft , than add in all the dry ingredients.
Leave the dough in fridge for 20 mins and divided to 30g each.
Wrap up the dough with the paste (35g).
Set oven to 160oC, and bake for 10 mins. Bring it out and brush with egg yolk and decorate with sesame and bake for another 12 mins or till golden brown (depend on oven some can bake till 20 mins) depend on individuals oven.
I bake at the lowest rack.

Recipe from : mymeloves

Aug 27, 2012

Sushi (寿司)

Actually think of making a cake today, but when walking at NTUC saw all those Japanese stuff and can't help myself to stop and grap those things, so end up making sushi for my lucnh today. Sigh... my cake have to wait another day liao.   

Aug 10, 2012

Peaches Cake

I have this can of peaches sitting in my store room for quite a number of months, always wanted to take it out and finish it, but just can't think of how to deal with it. So, yesterday thought why don't make a cake with it since another half a year its going to expire. Never knew that kids will love it, the paper cup that i use, i find it too big liao, cause this recipe i can only make 6 cups. So i do another 2 more recipes and bring to my MIL house and share with my In-Law family.

Aug 9, 2012


Yesterday, we have pancake for our lunch, cause my brain has drain out of idea for what to eat  for our afternoon meal, and porriage and noodles had already eat till sien liao, so happen to see this pancake recipe from Edith blog and think why not give it a try.

Wow, its really amazing of the softness of this cake. Guess how many recipe i make? Althougt i make 4 recipes and as usual  only 2 pieces left over for my big boss to eat it when his home from work. Kids still demand for more this morning, and too bad i'm out of some ingredients liao, so no choice some others days lor. :)

Aug 8, 2012


轮到我家做菜粿了。哇 ^-^真的很好吃。我家老板回来时都没吃到,因为早早就被那三个贪吃的小瓜给解决掉了。

Aug 6, 2012

Grapefruit Chiffon Cake


上个星期的我,对祂的无礼抱怨和愤怒,如今要大声的对祂说 :“对不起,原谅我的罪,阿门。”

带着愉快的心情,今天做了葡萄柚威风蛋糕。为什么要做这个呢?因为昨天当我们切一粒来吃时,每个人都不去动它,太酸了。只好收进冰厨,今天拿来做蛋糕咯 ^_^

Aug 1, 2012

Cream Puff

拖了很久,今天终于又做了小瓜们爱吃的泡芙咖啡馅等他们回来 ^...^。好奇怪,不知为什么我就是提不起劲来做事情,只好做这个简单的泡芙咯。

Choux Puffs:
250g Milk
250g Water
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Sugar
227g Butter
275g Flour
6 nos Eggs

Bring Milk, water, salt, sugar, butter to boil, and add in flour to stir till dough paste. Pour the paste into mixer and beat till warm, then slowly add in eggs one at a time. Prerpare piping bags using about 10mm piping tube. fill up the paste and pipe them at the tray and bake at 180c for about 15 mins, or till golden brown. Cool the choux puffs before piping in the cream.

As for Cream i use about 300g whipping cream plus 1 tbsp of Mocca paste.

Jul 23, 2012

Strawberry Chiffon Cake


Jul 11, 2012


可以腼怀一下他 ^-^。






Jul 5, 2012

Chocolate Cup Cake

今天又做了巧克力蛋糕,终于把我的巧克力粉给用完了。每次看其他的blogger都很卖力的做蛋糕我很羡慕,但是我这个人又很懒,所以每次要take long long time,happy happy liao才动手做。嘻嘻没办法,人懒就是这样 ^-^!!

250g Chocolate sponge mix flour
4 nos eggs (medium size)
50ml water
80g melted butter

Pour eggs and flour in a mixing bowl and whip till thick. Add water and whip till fluffy. Lastly add in the
melted butter and fold it in till well combined. This recipe i make about 24 cups cake. Bake at 180oC.
about 15 mins.

Recipe from : Alex Goh book

Jul 2, 2012

Pineapple Upside-down Cake

六月二十三日,和久违了的朋友相聚感到特别的温心。做了一个 Pineapple Upside-down Cake,与他们一起enjoy。我们有二十年没见,难得可以在fb找到真是缘分啊!期盼十二月的相聚。


Jun 25, 2012

Chocolate Sponge Cake

终于开学了,耳根又有得清静几个钟头了 。在这个假期,做了一些蛋糕要勤劳post上网。不然又要生锈了。
就post个今天做的 巧克力蛋糕吧

等会儿,小瓜们回来肯定高兴死了,把第一天上课的moody mood 给扫空。

May 19, 2012


上星期三,心血来朝做了个芒果蛋糕。新try的whipping cream 不好吃又不够扎实,觉得很失望。以后,还是用回我时常买的品牌吧。又便宜又好吃。

May 14, 2012



2012年 母情节礼物
最近做了一些作品,就是懒得post 上网。好了,趁现在有mood就赶快做吧!

Marble Cup Cake

Plum Sauce

Chilli Sauce

Char Siew

Kids Favourite Steamboat

Apr 9, 2012


今年是老二的12岁生日,总共办了三次,因为第一次正日刚好星期四,小瓜都得上课所以没法子庆祝,只好卖个蛋糕在家为他唱生日歌。第二次,刚好星期五 Good Friday ,我们得去扫墓,他只能请朋友来家玩,没和我们一快去扫墓。第三次,就是昨天在家叫了一些亲戚,煮了一些小瓜爱吃的食物和做了一个蛋糕送给他。“祝福伟斌身体健康,今年的 PSLE 能考个好成绩。”

Apr 5, 2012

不知不觉中,当我又回来我的部落格时,没想到以经两年了。整个blog 都发霉了。所以,从新粉刷了一遍。这两年经历很多很多,最不舍得的就是母亲仙游去了。她一走,我变得懒散,提不起劲来做很多事。今年,我告诉自己要振作,接下来希望能把很多耽搁下来的事,都能慢慢的好好处理。虽然这两年偶尔都有做一些蛋糕,但,就是懒得post 上来。希望接下来的日子,我能积极的把作品 post 上网,好让自己留作记念。