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Aug 6, 2012

Grapefruit Chiffon Cake


上个星期的我,对祂的无礼抱怨和愤怒,如今要大声的对祂说 :“对不起,原谅我的罪,阿门。”

带着愉快的心情,今天做了葡萄柚威风蛋糕。为什么要做这个呢?因为昨天当我们切一粒来吃时,每个人都不去动它,太酸了。只好收进冰厨,今天拿来做蛋糕咯 ^_^

嘻嘻,看我的切工还是那么差,要多做练习了... x_x

5 eggs yolk

5 eggs white

75g sugar (for yolks)

65g sugar (for white)

100ml grapefruit juice

1 tsp grapefuit zest

50g corn oil

75g plain flour

½ tsp baking power

35g corn flour

1/8 tsp cream of tartar

Beat eggs yolk and sugar at maximum speed till well combine, than add in oil, juice, zest and beat it a slow speed. Sift flour, corn flour and baking powder into the egg mixture and whisk till well blend.

Whisk eggs white with cream of tartar and slowly add in sugar and whisk till stiff.

Pour into chiffon mould and bake at 180oC on the lowest rack for about 35mins.

Over turn the cake once out of oven and wait till it cool down and turn back and cut.


Joceline Lor said...


饱满人生。。。 said...

是的 Joceline, 真的很香,我做了两个recipe,最后只剩下三片留给我家老板而已 ^_^